Friday, February 27, 2009

Topcoat Magazine Interview, etc

I was really excited to be interviewed by Topcoat Magazine: it is a fabulous on line magazine started by an old coworker of mine, EJ Jacobs whom I find to be one of the most energetic and fascinating people I've ever met, not to mention his fabulous British accent. Shauna Horn, a freelance writer (and actress) who conducted the interview asked me to suggest the 5 must have products I have in my kit at all times and here they are:

  • Egyptian Magic: those of you who know me know I swear by this magical balm that cures everything outside a hangover
  • Smudgees: Pre- moistened q-tips that are damp enough it's as though you just slightly hit with your tongue to dab up shadow fallout and dots of sprinkled mascara
  • Maybelline Lash Stylist Mascara: Deposits so much product at the root of the lashes that you can coat the tips with any other mascara for additional volume and you have psychotically long lashes. Hello, I should know. PS- it's $6!!!!!
  • MAC Technikohl liner in Black: the BEST liner for rimming the inner lid- won't make you tear or run. It's as good an accessory for your little black purse as your little black purse
  • Ponytail Brush: Like Stila #9 or Lancome #17 all lines have this black headed fluffy brush that can be used to blend an all over shadow, shade a pop of color in the crease or softly set eye concealer by rolling under eye with powder

Thank you both for allowing me the opportunity to contribute- I can't wait for the article to come out!


What's a big tip for organizing your makeup bag? Pick the products: you absolutely never wear, are broken and/or crushed pigment you're still trying to salvage, have worn off names, that too bright impulse buy, the pencil you can no longer hold, the mascara that has caked around the sides, the dome shaped brush that is now a rat's nest, and any product that has micro dust on it around it or smells funny- having cold sweats about really getting rid of? DON'T. Pull them out, come on, you can do it, hold them over the waste basket, now on the count of 3...1, 2, 3..

you'll never look as good as you do today


1 comment:

  1. Based on your recommendation I just ordered some Egyptian Magic :-)

