Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Egyptian Magic

I mentioned Tuesday about one of my favorite products for dry skin. As I'm staring out the window at a sunny, yet extremely cold as I type I'm reminded that as we weather the cold air it really does a number on our skin- all over. For really dry skin apply Egyptian Magic anywhere you are extremely dry http://www.egyptianmagic.com/ it's the best product I've ever used.

I was turned onto this by celebrity makeup artist Gucci Westman. She was using it on a model and I asked her what it was and she said 'You don't know about Egyqtian Magic?' I clearly had the most dumb founded look on my face that I didn't know about this product. Sure enough, I bought it that evening and have been hooked ever since. It is a true 'stranded on a desert island' product. Just read about it...

You'll never look as good as you do today


1 comment:

  1. omg i so want to buy it. to bad my parents wouldn't buy it. but it looks like its a miracle. i got lots of scars on my legs and ya that would really help. but thanks for that information! i learned something new again.
